Global Health Pediatric Fellowship

The Global Pediatric Fellowship provides pediatricians with the skills to collaborate effectively with partners in global child health and support the development of essential child health services around the world.

Doctors in conversation 
Global Pediatric fellow teaching a course on HIV/AIDs in GhanaDoctor with baby boy

About this Fellowship

The Global Health Pediatric Fellowship Program at Boston Children’s Hospital aims to train the next generation of pediatricians committed to building equitable access to heath around the world. Fellows develop the practical skills necessary to have successful careers in global health learning about advocacy, evidence-based health interventions, and service delivery, all through a lens of global equity.

Our goal is to train a cadre of pediatricians who have the skills and long-term commitment necessary to make an impact in improving global child health. Depending on the skill set and prior experience of the applicant, the Global Health Pediatric Fellowship will require a one- to three-year commitment.

Global Health In Pediatrics Fellowship graphic
The focus of the fellowship is on skills in global health service delivery, including:
Clinical care
Medical education
Program development, management, and evaluation
Quality improvement
Implementation-focused research
Implementation of collaboration rooted in decolonial praxis
Global physician fellow pictured in a hospital in Laos surrounded by fellow local physicians.

During their training, fellows will have the opportunity to work in collaboration with partners around the world to support and contribute to pediatric medical education, strengthen existing child health programs, and promote access to pediatric health care.

During their clinical placement in Boston, fellows will combine clinical work in general pediatrics with a global health curriculum aimed at strengthening their core clinical, public health, quality improvement, and teaching skills relevant to global health.

Doctor with baby in incubator

A Day in the Life of a Fellow

While there is no “typical day” fellows often integrate their clinical care and scholarly work
A fellow will arrive for morning rounds which is a mixture of bedside teaching (med students, interns, residents, PAs, general practitioners, etc.) and active patient care and consultations.
After rounds, on Monday a fellow may participate in clinics and support the hospital teams to follow up on inpatients. However, on the next day, the fellow may use the afternoon to do formal didactic teaching both as a presenter and a participant.
The following day, they may meet with local colleagues to conduct jointly lead research or quality improvement projects. Phone call from home for periods of time (days to a week) to provide back up support to overnight staff at the hospital.

Global Health Fellowship Education

Formal Global Health Degree Programs & Courses

Formal course work is an important part of fellowship. Opportunities for accepted and qualifying fellows to pursue, may include

  • Master’s in Public Health from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Summer Program in Clinical Effectiveness (HSPH)
  • Global Health Delivery Intensive (HSPH)
  • Gorgas Diploma in Tropical Medicine Course.
  • Opportunities and funding support vary by year. Additional details will be provided during interviews.

Global Health Curriculum at Boston Children’s Hospital

a) Clinical Skills Week

The Global Pediatric Clinical Skills Week is an annual course which provides an overview of key topics for pediatric clinicians to help prepare them for clinical work in global contexts.

b) Seminar Series

This is a monthly seminar series which covers key concepts in global health development and humanitarian work. The focus of this series is on health delivery and understanding the landscape of global health and the role of health care providers. The seminar compliments the fellows' formal coursework with a focus on health service delivery and program implementation.

c) Decoloniality for Global Health Equity (DGHE)

This curriculum provides fellows with an opportunity to reflect on their work and grapple with how to decolonize our work in resource limited settings. Theories are discussed through didactics focused on key issues of health equity and working collaboratively with partners. Then concrete actions are incorporated such as skill building in advocacy methods and on-going project mentorship.

Global Health Fellows

Competency Areas for Education

Clinical Care and Medical Knowledge
Capacity Strengthening
Global Health Education
Human Rights and Humanitarian Medicine
Structural Determinants of Health
Research in Global Health

Fellow Expectations

Fellows are expected to complete a scholarly project with oversight from faculty mentors over the course of their fellowship. Projects can be quality improvement, program management, curriculum evaluation or formal research. All projects are done in partnership with global colleagues and through a lens of decoloniality and social justice.

Throughout Boston Children’s as well as the broader Harvard Global Health Community, fellows have an opportunity to meet with faculty mentors and identify mentorship teams and projects. Small internal grants are available for project funding as well as assistance in identifying and applying for additional funding sources.

Fellows must attend the seminar series, clinical skills week and the Decoloniality for Global Health Equity series as well as present their work yearly. Fellows are expected to meet clinical obligations set forth by their

Doctor fellow practicing on a mannequin

Current Fellows

Maraisha Philogene


Dr. Maraisha Philogene received her medical degree from Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine and completed her pediatric residency at the University of Washington. During her Global Health Pediatric Fellowship, Dr. Philogene worked in a variety of low-resource healthcare settings both domestically and abroad. She worked in Rwanda, Liberia, Tigray, Ghana and Indian Health Services in the Great Plains area. During her time, she worked on health system strengthening, capacity building and research projects to improve pediatric health care globally. She also provided clinical care, lectures and bedside teaching in a variety of clinical settings. She is currently a pediatric hospitalist at Boston’s Children's Hospital and is continuing her work in capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Pediatric Fellowship Faculty

Fellow Graduates

Our graduated fellows have gone on to varied positions in pediatrics and global health, including as:

Faculty in global health in academic pediatric programs
Directors of pediatric global health residency tracts, fellowships, and global health graduate education programs
Pediatric subspecialty fellowships
Leaders and technical advisors for global health NGOs

Join Us

To learn more about the fellowship or how to support fellowships like this, please email us.

A woman holds a baby while engaging in conversation with another woman, showcasing a moment of connection and care.