Pediatric Resuscitation Training in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Training and education around the identification and management of hospitalized sick children was identified as a priority by the leadership in two oncology wards in the occupied Palestinian territory. In partnership with an international NGO and Ministry of Health, the Children in Crisis team worked with Palestinian physicians and nurses to identify areas of opportunity to improve education and management of children who were clinically deteriorating. In response, the Children in Crisis team collaborated with Palestinian pediatric providers to develop and deliver trainings to over 75 health providers in pediatric emergency care in two hospital locations (Gaza and the West Bank) in the occupied Palestinian territory. The course utilizes a team-based resuscitation model to address common life-threatening pediatric conditions. Instructional methods include lectures, skills workshops, and team-based simulation to practice applying new knowledge and skills. Participants (physicians, nurses and pharmacists) demonstrated mastery of learned knowledge and skills through written exams and skill competency verification. Moving forward, this program has the potential to be expanded to physicians and nurses throughout the oPt and other humanitarian contexts, with a focus on developing a sustainable resuscitation training programs for pediatric providers in a variety of inpatient and acute care settings. Publications: Mills, D., Schmid, A., Najajreh, M. et al. Implementation of a pediatric early warning score tool in a pediatric oncology Ward in Palestine. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 1159 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-07157-x