Assisting Colombian National Police's Wounded Warriors
In partnership with the Polus Center for Social & Economic Development, Dr. Emma Cardeli was awarded a two-year grant through the State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs to Launch Heroes for Advocacy, a program supporting over 350 injured Colombian police officers and their families (and counting!) access psychological and physical rehabilitation services across Columbia and to create alternative training opportunities and career pathways for disabled police.
Dr. Emma Cardeli and her project partners at the Polus Center traveled to Colombia in November 2021 to solidify local partnerships for the project. While there, the team conducted 35 interviews with injured police officers to identify pressing needs and to inform development of a local Service Coordination program. Dr. Cardeli supported the Polus Center with developing an individualized service plan for each interviewee. In addition, Dr. Cardeli and her Polus Center partners built a multidisciplinary team of local and global subject matter experts who work together to evaluate and improve the CNP's physical and psychological capabilities and build community trust in security forces.